Thursday, January 18, 2018

Pay ATTN to the Children

“ You read that book in one day?” This is my husband questioning me on the plane ride to Vegas yesterday morning. It doesn’t take a long time to read a good book. As I was sitting next to him on the plane, he would peer over at the pages periodically and say, “That girl crazy! She a fool!” Ten minutes later he would scan the page I was currently reading and again remark, “Yeah, she crazy for real!”

I had Tiffany Haddish’s, “The Last Black Unicorn” since it came out, but for no reason at all I did not open it until yesterday. Ok. I did have a reason. Originally, I bought the book because I was interested in her story. Then I felt I knew all I needed to know about her and just put off reading it. Well, I’m glad I followed my first mind and eventually read the book. 

Last night we walked Freemont Street which is downtown Las Vegas. Here, you never know what you will see. There’s always live bands, half naked men/women charging tourists for pictures, and my favorite part... the street performers. 

At the end of the street we stumbled across this little  performer named Jamiya. She was dressed in all black and performed a mime dance with an older lady who is possibly her mom. The act was good, but no question Jamiya was the star of that show! 

I could’ve watched her all night. The intensity of her dance was with such skill and passion. Then, she did something I did not expect. Jamiya picked up the mic and starting singing!!!! My mouth dropped! This was the same little girl who was hand standing and popping and doing the splits .2 seconds ago! Seriously, I will post a link to her performance which i will post on my YouTube page. She was amazing! 

During her break, i used the opportunity to go and talk to her! I don’t know if it was because i had just finished reading Tiffany Haddish’s book that I shared with Jamiya, “Never forget that you are a performer! And I pray the world is kind to you!” 

Everyone has a story. Tiffany Haddish’s childhood was one filled with great sorrow. But, there was a time in her life where she forgot she was a comedian. However, along her journey she had a great social worker that her guided her at 15 to pursue comedy training. Also, along her journey she met people and had experiences that produced great content. 

I remember as I kid I always wanted to go! My mom took me everywhere in Houston! We even left the city a couple of time. So, as a child I always loved being on the go. Another thing about my childhood was I remember getting together with my cousins at reunions and dancing. We did talent shows and made up dance routines. I even remember us creating music videos. Also, on the weekends, we would stay up all night telling stories and writing books. 

Do you remember your childhood? What did you love to do? What made you happy? Look at the kids around them. What direction are they gravitating to? 

It is our job as guardians to guide them towards the direction they are called to go! Also, it’s ok to make your kids read! My mom made us read as a child and I hated it! But, I always enjoyed the book in the end. Books are away of experiencing other perspectives in a fun and educational way. Now, I love to read! I still love to go! I want to see as much as I can on my journey! I want to dance as often as I can... and I get that from Zumba classes. And last but not least, I want to tell stories!!!! 

Please share with me about your path that you are on right now! Why are you there and what direction are you traveling to? Can you attibute the place you are in right now to childhood experiences? 

Also, think of the people along your way who’s supported you, gave you a kind word, helped you, and guided you along your journey. I can easily list a handful of people that i am forever grateful for! 

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