Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Mo Knows Travel

After years of wanting a tummy tuck,11/15/17, I went and had it done. Before I tell you about my surgery let me first list to you the reasons why I wanted this done:

1. In 2005, I had twins which left an unflattering pouch of extra skin....

2. In addition to that, I used to be 200 lbs, but threw diet and exercise I lost a good 40 lbs.

3. For years, I have been insecure and uncomfortable about my stomach. No matter how much I worked out or ate right, I just could not get rid of the pouch!



Mind you.... I don't have too many pics at my heaviest because I just refused to take pictures.


Now... that that's out of the way. Let me share with you that I am married and for the longest my husband refused to allow me to have the surgery. I felt it was very sweet that he felt it was nothing wrong with my body and I did not need to have anything done. Also, I do respect how my husband feels about things but I wanted this for myself so badly. I was very persistent until he gave in. Also, my children are older and self sufficient so I knew now would be a good time do this. Lastly, I felt this was the opportune time to have this done because my oldest boys had not went off to college yet and financially we were in a really good place. I had paid off my truck and debts, and I did not know what expenses I would occur once the boys got ready to go off to college.

Enough of that..... I knew many people who had the surgery done with successful results, but I researched my doctor on REALSELF.COM/DR.REDNAM..  I was most interested in a surgeon who could perform a drain less tummy tuck and she was one of the few in the Houston area who offered that service. Her reviews were amazing and on top of that she was aesthetically beautiful. Image result for dr rednam houston She looked like she really took care of herself, her accolades were amazing, and I felt very comfy she would take good care of me as well. Upon my consultation with her, I felt as if we were home girls. Dr.Rednam is very down to earth and personable. I shared with her that I had lost 40lbs, but had gained 8 lbs back. Her response to me transferred from a cosmetic surgeon to a therapist. All she said to me was that I should really be proud of myself for losing that much weight with diet and exercise. It was just the way she said it that made me feel a whole lot better about myself,

Day of surgery.... I chose to have it done at her surgical center. Very beautiful and welcoming facility.


They have a nurse there (who was not my nurse) but she came around and hugged everyone. Even though the entire staff was friendly, the hug from the nurse seemed to ease my anxiety a great deal and I really don't think she knows how much that meant to me.

Here is a pic 24 hours after the surgery... minimal swelling... .. 

All of the black markings is from Dr. Rednam drawing all over me prior to the surgery.

Here is a pic 5 days post OP.... a lot of swelling and bloating because I have not been able to have a bowel movement...

I did have a bowel movement last night. Hallelujah! But, I went to have a follow up with my doctor and I was sad because they refused to removed the drain until Monday......

Ultimately, I am very happy with my results. My stomach looks amazing. I still have stretch marks, but that does not bother me one bit. Also, I'm happy with the way my belly button looks.


1. BE VERY ACTIVE PRIOR TO THE SURGERY. I was doing an hour of

Zumba, cardio, and some strength training almost everyday before my surgery. I really believe that helped with my recovery,

2. Take your medicine as recommended. Regardless, if you are in pain or not. I set my timer on my phone and every time it went off i took my medicine. So, I was never in any pain.

3. Rest and allow others to help you. I had a good friend help me bath. My husband was wonderful and so were my kids. My mom brought me water melon which i craved a lot and my sister blessed me with Wonton soup. 

4. Last but not least.... make sure you are financially ready.... This surgery is not cheap, bur it's definitely worth it. Just make sure you are ready to pay the cost without any hesitation.  The last thing you want to do is put a strain on your household.

IF you want to see my 5 day post op video here is the link: 5 DAY POST OP VLOG

I will update another video once the drain is removed and swelling goes down.

As of today here is my before vs after.....


My current situation:

Not eating too much. Just green tea, watermelon, soup, and a granola bar a day.
I'm taking the meds every 5 hours instead of 3. Still no pain. But... I'm staying high. And I'm keeping my trainer on all day, this is helping with the swelling. 

Good luck on your journey! Wherever it may take you! This might not be for everyone, but do what you want to do for you! You deserve it! Life is a journey not a destination! Where to next?

****Please subscribe to my blog YouTube channelMo Knows Travel VLOG, I have some amazing people I'm interviewing soon!!!! I pray you find inspiration from my blog and Vlog for your journey!!!

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