Monday, November 6, 2017


Last weeks episode (season 9, episode 6) Image result for modern family latest episode aired 11/1/17 had a deep deep message inside of it. By the end of the show, I wanted to stand on my feet and raise my hands in praise like I was in an old Southern Baptist Church. I literally had an "Ah-hah" moment (in the words of Oprah).

Modern Family is filled with multiple story lines, but I would like to focus on Phil and his magic! For this episode, Jay and Gloria's wedding anniversary party was approaching and Phil decided to do a magic trick at the celebration. During the episode, Phil discovered how his whole life could've changed, but Claire decided to make an executive decision about his career. Upon finding this out, Phil was devastated. Image result for modern family phil magic

Has anyone just made a decision for you and you believe that greatly affected your life? Phil was upset because he was not allowed to choose that particular path for himself. During the episode, Jay asked Phil, "Didn't your life turn out great?"

I'm sure Phil was thinking, "That's not the freaking point! My life would have went a completely different if I was allowed to choose for myself."

Furthermore,  I know Phil was upset because sometimes we imagine our life would have been better if...
what if I would've went this way or that way...
or if this or if that....

But the point with Phil's story.... At the end,  we all end up to where we are suppose to be! We don't have to agonize over missed opportunities. Sometimes things don't happen for us sooner because we really need to discover who we are!!! Over the years... Phil never stopped being who he was.....  We've followed Phil for many seasons grow his magic talent. I have to believe that everything happens for a reason at the perfect time! Keep your Phil spirit alive. One of fun, mystery, and laughter. Enjoy your journey. It's filled with great prizes along the way.

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