Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018 Manifestations

Yesterday, I saw a YouTube video that said you should write your top 10 goals for the New Year down as if they have already been manifested. Then... execute a plan to get it done. I know... I know... I  know... Easier said than done. But there is another saying that you are crazy to think that you will get different results by continuing to do the same things. Many people believe New Years Resolutions don't work, but I would have to argue that the cup is half full or half empty to those who thinks that way. In other words, whatever you believe is true for you. That's basically the Laws of Attraction. We are spiritual beings constantly sending out vibrations into the Universe and we attract the energy that we send out.

First things first, start the New Years off with gratitude and a positive mindset. Really take an inventory of all the good and bad from 2017 and determine what you need to do more and what you need to eliminate. 

Here are my top 10 Manifestations for 2018:

1. I showed more love to my family and friends.
2. I matched my earned working income with my self-employment income.

3. I doubled my current investments.
4. I weigh 150lbs.
5. I traveled to a new continent.

6. I had enough profits from the travel agency to fund the non profits summer 2018 trip.
7. I went on a ski trip.
8. I saved a massive amount of money.
9. I met a celebrity, preferably Ellen.
10. Nigel (my oldest son) got accepted into college with a full scholarship!

After you write down your manifestations, brainstorm a plan as to how you will get it done. Here are just a couple of mines.
1. I showed more love to family and friends by calling them for bdays instead of social media posts or texts. I made more time to physically see loved ones.
2. I increased my self employment income by researching new marketing ways. I blogged/vlogged/created content.
3. I increased my investments by putting in more into my 401k. Also, I have faith that stocks and other business ventures will do great this year!
4. I will reach my goal weight by diversifying my work outs and being more mindful of my eating. Today was my first day back to the gym since my tummy tuck and I had a great time in Zumba.

***Please share with me your manifestations for 2018 as well.  Life is a journey, not a destination!

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