Thursday, January 18, 2018

Pay ATTN to the Children

“ You read that book in one day?” This is my husband questioning me on the plane ride to Vegas yesterday morning. It doesn’t take a long time to read a good book. As I was sitting next to him on the plane, he would peer over at the pages periodically and say, “That girl crazy! She a fool!” Ten minutes later he would scan the page I was currently reading and again remark, “Yeah, she crazy for real!”

I had Tiffany Haddish’s, “The Last Black Unicorn” since it came out, but for no reason at all I did not open it until yesterday. Ok. I did have a reason. Originally, I bought the book because I was interested in her story. Then I felt I knew all I needed to know about her and just put off reading it. Well, I’m glad I followed my first mind and eventually read the book. 

Last night we walked Freemont Street which is downtown Las Vegas. Here, you never know what you will see. There’s always live bands, half naked men/women charging tourists for pictures, and my favorite part... the street performers. 

At the end of the street we stumbled across this little  performer named Jamiya. She was dressed in all black and performed a mime dance with an older lady who is possibly her mom. The act was good, but no question Jamiya was the star of that show! 

I could’ve watched her all night. The intensity of her dance was with such skill and passion. Then, she did something I did not expect. Jamiya picked up the mic and starting singing!!!! My mouth dropped! This was the same little girl who was hand standing and popping and doing the splits .2 seconds ago! Seriously, I will post a link to her performance which i will post on my YouTube page. She was amazing! 

During her break, i used the opportunity to go and talk to her! I don’t know if it was because i had just finished reading Tiffany Haddish’s book that I shared with Jamiya, “Never forget that you are a performer! And I pray the world is kind to you!” 

Everyone has a story. Tiffany Haddish’s childhood was one filled with great sorrow. But, there was a time in her life where she forgot she was a comedian. However, along her journey she had a great social worker that her guided her at 15 to pursue comedy training. Also, along her journey she met people and had experiences that produced great content. 

I remember as I kid I always wanted to go! My mom took me everywhere in Houston! We even left the city a couple of time. So, as a child I always loved being on the go. Another thing about my childhood was I remember getting together with my cousins at reunions and dancing. We did talent shows and made up dance routines. I even remember us creating music videos. Also, on the weekends, we would stay up all night telling stories and writing books. 

Do you remember your childhood? What did you love to do? What made you happy? Look at the kids around them. What direction are they gravitating to? 

It is our job as guardians to guide them towards the direction they are called to go! Also, it’s ok to make your kids read! My mom made us read as a child and I hated it! But, I always enjoyed the book in the end. Books are away of experiencing other perspectives in a fun and educational way. Now, I love to read! I still love to go! I want to see as much as I can on my journey! I want to dance as often as I can... and I get that from Zumba classes. And last but not least, I want to tell stories!!!! 

Please share with me about your path that you are on right now! Why are you there and what direction are you traveling to? Can you attibute the place you are in right now to childhood experiences? 

Also, think of the people along your way who’s supported you, gave you a kind word, helped you, and guided you along your journey. I can easily list a handful of people that i am forever grateful for! 

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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Buyers Remorse 

Lord knows I have two 16 hour shifts to work tomorrow and here I am up at 3 am can’t sleep. My insomnia is attributed to my purchase a few hours ago in a furniture store. Here I was attempting to go inside the store for inspiration! Honestly, I had no intentions of purchasing anything. But then.... there it was.... something caught my eye and the price tag was steep.  What it was is really of no importance. I could blame the pushy sales guy who followed me around the whole store. But, the truth is I knew I was just browsing and was not ready to buy anything.

So... here I am up googling the stores return policy and from what I’m reading I can call them in the morning and cancel my order. I’m crossing my fingers customer service will be open in the morning. The sad part is I came home from the store all excited telling the kids about what I had bought.
Ultimately, we can scream YOLO all day everyday. But, we still have to be good stewards of our money. This has happened to me before when I bought my truck a few years ago. It’s paid off now but I made a promise to myself to never put myself in a situation like that again.

At all times do what feels good for you! Things that light your spirit! I really don’t get joy out of things too much so I don’t know what took over me. Typically, I am very OCD and organized with things like staying on budget. I even plan my trips like two years in advance so I know I will have enough money. Also, we are only a few days into the New Year and I the plan was of paying off my Tummy Tuck surgery before I made any more purchases.

Today this was not something I planned for, but I do want in the future. Hopefully, I can get out of the purchase and add the item in my budget for the future or find something similar but more economical. Lesson learned at this destination (furniture store) is to stay on track! Don't derail and get side tracked with distractions!

Have you ever bought a car, purse, or shoes and regretted the purchase? How did you cope with your remorse? Just for curiosity... is there anyone out there that bought a trip they regretted?

Live is a Journey! Not a Destination! 

Visit for more blogs about literal and figurative travel. 
Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 12, 2018


I'm a get straight to the point. Death will be discussed in two ways in this post.
1. Literal DEATH! My first VLOG for 2018 was to be a "Just Do IT January" featuring owner/founder of Dining with Dria which is a weekly meal prep of healthy, tasty foods in appropriate portion sizes. Personally, Dria lost over 91 pounds by changing her diet and working out.

Well... that video has yet to happen. Unfortunately, tomorrow Dria is burying her grandfather that recently died of cancer. After enduring radiation, chemo, and a massive amount of severe pain Mr. Lancaster passed on the 30th day of his diagnosis. Cancer!!! Death!!! It is relatable to see people hash tag Fck Cancer! For real! Clearly, I can remember in 2011 the pain of losing my grandfather to cancer.  Two months later my kids lost their dad tragically.

We all know how heart breaking death is. Death is symbolic of us being on our journey and the bridge to get across the troubling waters is destroyed. Death is symbolic of being out to sea and the boat capsizing. Yes! It's that dramatic when our comfortable life lines are suddenly snatched away from up under us. I'm not going to say anything cliché about how to deal with the death of a loved one, but I will like to state... MANY TIMES WE FEEL AS IF OUR SHOES ARE TOO HEAVY TO WEAR!!! NOBODY UNDERSTANDS YOUR PAIN!

After my kids lost their dad, my middle son had a dream that he literally died in real life. The dream was so real to my son. They all went to counseling after the tragedy which taught them to express their feelings. So when my son woke up that morning, he immediately shared the frightening dream with me. I am a big believer that dreams are our subconscious trying to speak to our waking life. When he shared this with me, collectively we went to dream decoder website and researched what it meant. In summary, it said that he had experienced a traumatic loss and he was not to lose himself because of it. LIVE YOUR LIFE SO WELL THAT WHEN YOU DIE, PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHAT YOU WERE ALL ABOUT. I told my son to continue to be the funny bright kid that he is and not to change.

To be honest with you, I started traveling tough after 2011. It was my way to band aid the pain. It allowed us something to look forward. I never felt more alive. Losing someone close to you will cause you to realize how short life is.

2. Figuritive DEATH. One of my best best girlfriends asked me a question yesterday about how certain seminars and motivational speakers try to inspire people that they can do it! Telling people they can do something instead of showing them how is similar to directing the horse to the water. IT IS MY BELIEF THAT OFTENTIMES PEOPLE DON'T DO CERTAIN THINGS BECAUSE THEY JUST DON'T KNOW HOW! They don't even know where to begin.

When there are areas in your life that are dying you need direction! Seek and you shall find.  One of the main reasons people get so excited about the New Year is because it signifies new beginnings, possibilities, and opportunities. When you enter into a new stage of your life and you are smacked with tragedy(death), what is one to do? The take away is this... Find your direction! Deal with Death by Directing a different path! I have a co-worker who joined a foundation for pediatric cancer after she lost her daughter. Don't try to make sense of it at all. Use your daily gift of life to seek future direction. If your business is failing search for mentors that will show you how. These times we are living in it has never been easier to learn. Online you have the availability of information and resources easily. Learn how to fish and you will eat for the rest of your life. Right? And that goes both ways... the same girlfriend recently posted about one person having two talents and another one having five. Use your talents to direct someone else. Even if you only have two you can help someone behind.

In closing, this blog is all about our personal journeys. Its not always fun and games. Real life events will occur that are painful and makes you question everything. Why did this have to happen? Why me? What next?

If you didn't care about the death... then there would be no point of the pain. The only thing we are commanded to do while we are here is Love God and Love others! Whatever else you do along your journey...LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH LOVE! 

Have you lost someone or something very meaningful to you? How did you cope and what did you learn from the loss?

Life is a journey! Not a Destination!


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018 Manifestations

Yesterday, I saw a YouTube video that said you should write your top 10 goals for the New Year down as if they have already been manifested. Then... execute a plan to get it done. I know... I know... I  know... Easier said than done. But there is another saying that you are crazy to think that you will get different results by continuing to do the same things. Many people believe New Years Resolutions don't work, but I would have to argue that the cup is half full or half empty to those who thinks that way. In other words, whatever you believe is true for you. That's basically the Laws of Attraction. We are spiritual beings constantly sending out vibrations into the Universe and we attract the energy that we send out.

First things first, start the New Years off with gratitude and a positive mindset. Really take an inventory of all the good and bad from 2017 and determine what you need to do more and what you need to eliminate. 

Here are my top 10 Manifestations for 2018:

1. I showed more love to my family and friends.
2. I matched my earned working income with my self-employment income.

3. I doubled my current investments.
4. I weigh 150lbs.
5. I traveled to a new continent.

6. I had enough profits from the travel agency to fund the non profits summer 2018 trip.
7. I went on a ski trip.
8. I saved a massive amount of money.
9. I met a celebrity, preferably Ellen.
10. Nigel (my oldest son) got accepted into college with a full scholarship!

After you write down your manifestations, brainstorm a plan as to how you will get it done. Here are just a couple of mines.
1. I showed more love to family and friends by calling them for bdays instead of social media posts or texts. I made more time to physically see loved ones.
2. I increased my self employment income by researching new marketing ways. I blogged/vlogged/created content.
3. I increased my investments by putting in more into my 401k. Also, I have faith that stocks and other business ventures will do great this year!
4. I will reach my goal weight by diversifying my work outs and being more mindful of my eating. Today was my first day back to the gym since my tummy tuck and I had a great time in Zumba.

***Please share with me your manifestations for 2018 as well.  Life is a journey, not a destination!


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