Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Sooo... whats the deal with "Life is a journey. Not a destination." "Isn't this a travel blog?" Yes... this is a travel blog, but not only will I focus on traveling literally, we will also discuss figuratively traveling in your life. Your life's work. I am in the process of creating a facebook group with only a selected amount of people who are ready to put in the work to take their life to the next level. If there is anything about your life, your environment, or your situation that you want to change... sometimes you just need an accountability partner and motivation! Here is your MOTIVATION & SIGN RIGHT HERE! GO FOR IT! JUST DO IT! If you are interested in joining my facebook movement, here is the link... 

As for me... I really felt my journey was complete when I opened my mobile Ultrasound business.... Ultrasonic Baby Showers. As an Ultrasound Tech, I purchased my own machine and traveled to baby showers and showed the baby to family and friends. We also did Gender Reveal parties. I knew I was on the right road. All of the stars were aligning.... but two years in it.... I had to let the business go because as a small business owner its hard to maintain monthly expenses. Capital gets low. A lot of hard work. Ultimately, I ended that business. It took me years to be able to attend Baby Showers and not feel sad about them. 

Unfortunately, that is not the only business I have had. In the past, I've had other businesses from an online stores to a custom car auto shop. After reading TD Jakes book, "Instinct,"  I just knew it was more to life than just working and paying bills. My instincts were telling me there is more to this world than being caged at a job. 

Currently, I still work full time, but I have a plan. I'm on my journey. I may have encountered some road bumps and stumbling blocks, but I won't give up. That is my desire for you as well. We need to connect, support, and inspire each other to live life to the fullness. Also, figurative travel on your life's journey is meant to be enjoyed. With faith, proper planning, and hard work you can get to anywhere you desire. No one can walk in your shoes on your path, but you! You must do the work! 

So... there you have it. We are ALL on a journey! It's more to life than getting to a certain destination. Help someone along the way! IF something doesn't work out, have flexibility and keep pushing! Last but not least, once you reach your destination, strive for a new one! That's the lovely thing about traveling! It never ends! Getting to one place simply opens the door to another!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


A cruise is the most easiest and economical vacation you will ever take. Especially, if you have children. Have you ever taken your kids to theme parks or traveled with them? With kids, you constantly have to entertain them, or feed them. Theme parks are hot, crowded, and have long lines everywhere. Cruising with kids is a breeze. You can just drop them off at camp all day and go do whatever you want to. My first cruise with my kids, they cried when I went to pick them up from camp. Seriously.. the camp workers do a great job keeping the kiddos entertained. And if you're worried about safety, in the event of an emergency all the kids where bracelets the whole cruise so they can be easily directed to their emergency buffer stations. Parents are instructed to go to their station and not search for their children, because the workers can easily tell where kids go by the color of their bracelet.
So what is there to do on a cruise ship? Of course, there is an unlimited amount of food. Every night the ship has some sort of show, their are comedy shows, the casinos, movies on the Lido, BINGO, Karaoke, and so much more. If you feel that you will be bored... let me tell you right now, that there will be more than enough things to keep you entertained. But, I think the best thing about a cruise is you have the power to choose just how much you want to do or not do everyday. If your desire is to lay in the bed all day and order room service, then you can do that. Whether you want to turn down or turn up, depends on you. 


1. Embarkation and safety briefings- Bring some patience and wear comfy shoes on day 1. Standing in long lines to get checked unto the ship is pretty common. Also, it is required by Maritime Law for all cruise ships to perform a safety briefing prior to sailing. Pay attention to this. Even though, I can't remember what is said, I'm sure the information is important. This safety briefing reminds me of what the flight attendants do before each flight.

2. Bring a light jacket or shawl- IT IS FREEZING COLD ON THE SHIP LIKE A HOSPITAL! My first cruise all I had for my family was shorts and sundresses. Every night for dinner we were uncomfortably cold. Also, the theatre room feels like Alaska. Don't make the same mistake we made, bring something to cover up at night.

3. Gratuities- These are recommended by the ship. The waitstaff and your cabin steward will provide you with the very best customer service so they deserve something. However, how much you leave is up to you. If you need to make an adjustment to what is charged, just visit Guest services while aboard. Normally... my husband and I pay the recommended gratuity, but we don't pay the entire recommended amount for the kids all the time. 

4. Read your ships daily mail. It has very important info for you. On some sea days, certain restaurants might be open for free during lunch where for dinner it would require a reservation and a fee. On port days, take the mail with you in your bag so that in the event of an emergency you know who to call. All emergency contacts are located on the mail for the day.

5. TRY NEW FOODS! You just never know. But all the food is free, and when will you ever have the opportunity to try a food that you wont have to pay for if you don't like it... oh well.... One time, my son tried snail on fancy formal night. It did not sit well with his stomach and he threw up all over the place. We laugh about it now, but now he knows to never buy snail. If you are eating dinner and you taste something you love, don't be ashamed to ask for seconds. Its FREE remember! Get as much as you like. The first time we had a lobster aboard, we had no idea we could've ordered another one. How cool is that?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Getting Started

I am writing this with the most excitement, because today I officially am the owner of a passport!!! Obtaining a passport symbolizes the door opening to the whole wide world! Literally... I could not stop smelling the book. It is such a delightful smell to me.  For the past five years, I've been traveling and only did international trips via a cruise. So who knows where I will go next? When I originally started traveling it was the year after I lost my grandfather. 2011 was a pretty bad year for our family. A lot of terrible things happened. However, I vowed for 2012 to restore our families happiness and create new memories. Whatever your reason for traveling, all you have to do is a few easy steps to get you going.

1. Investigate- talk to family/friends. Google places you would like to go. Do some researching and get inspired. You're reading this post, so you are already on the right track.

2. Budget- how much money can you put away for a vacation? If you don't have a lot of disposable money... what can you cut back and/or sacrifice? I love the Mint app. It opens your eyes as to how much you are spending where. There is a feature where you can allocate X amount of funds per week for your travel goals. Mint will keep you on track with budgeting.

3. Take smaller vacays before you attempt big ones. Leave your city. Drive to another state. Visit new places that are not too far away from home before you attempt  a grand cross country adventure. 

4. Face your fears. People often tell me how they are afraid of planes or cruise boats. My answer to that... the world awaits! Don't live your life in fear! Statistically... planes and cruise boats are safer than automobiles. And seriously...  DO NOT PASS YOUR FEARS ON TO YOUR CHILDREN! Kids should be exposed at a young age to travel outside of a car.

5. Get a travel card! My travel card is my best friend. First of all, I can daily accrue miles that I can use for travel. Then, when I am away on vacation I carry my card as an added protection for just in case something happens.The key is to keep your balances low and ask your provider for a credit limit increase once a year. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

All About Mo

Mo Knows Travel is a wife and mother of four. I am the founder of Divine Kids, which is a non-profit that awards resilient and thriving children with travel opportunities! This organization is funded by my travel agency Divine Vacation and the generosity of sponsors.

For most of my adult life, I have been on this fitness journey.  
But I guess that’s what a healthy lifestyle entails.... I’m still not at my goal weight because of a secret blue bell cookies and cream ice cream addiction. However, I’m having fun taking Zumba and other fitness classes at the gym. If I had good genes and did not need to exercise to maintain my shape I would have never met so many good friends.

Career wise.... for the past 12 years I’ve worked in the hospital as an Ultrasound Tech. I’ve seen all the babies I ever want to see. However, almost a year ago I was blessed with the chance to deliver my sisters baby. He came out before I could get her to the hospital. That was one of the most exciting and scariest days of my life! 

Just recently I reached a lifetime goal of mine to complete my bachelors degree! My degree will be used as a testiment to the kids in my organization that if I can do it, they can to.

Since I love to travel and I will do so the rest of my life. I decided to rebrand myself as a travel blogger. I have been to many places..


Inside the White House during the Obama presidency... 

The Grand Canyon...

Vegas several times....

At least 10 cruises, the East coast, West Coast, and most Floridian cities.

Threw my past travels I have been able to learn valuable life lessons from them. My hope is that I can inspire others to enjoy their lives because we are all on this journey.

Traveling is not just about getting to a particular destination. It’s a journey just like life. So let’s go on an adventure together. Accomplish all of hearts desires while having the most fun as we possibly can!!!! 


Today, makes a week since the terrorist attack occurred in Las Vegas. I already had travel plans to go out there last week and I was contemplated whether I should go or not. What I can tell you is that I'm glad that I went. Even though what happened was devastating, I believe the spirit of Vegas will live on. People from around the world come to Vegas to have a good time. After the massacre, I heard of so many stories of people coming together to help one another regardless of race or religion. There was an Uber driver just so happen to be passing by and loaded his car up with injured people and transported them to the hospital. At the end of the day, some people are just evil and mental health research has not evolved to determine exactly who they are as of today. But, in the mean time, we can have faith in our humanity.

In spite of what happened, my husband and I traveled to Vegas to celebrate his birthday. We stayed in the MGM, right across the street from the Mandalay Bay. And guess what? We still had a great time. This was my fourth time going to Vegas and I thought it would be my last, but I'm already planning to go back next year. The city of Vegas will never forget that day. Every hotel displayed on their billboards..... "  To our brave first responders, employees, and the entire community, our everlasting gratitude."

Also, we went to see the very erotic Zumanity show and before it began they thanked all the first responders and acknowledged those who lost their lives. In front of the Bellagio, people from all over set up a memorial. was beautiful to see that while the hotel featured a spectacular water show choreographed to the tones of Whitney Houston singing the national anthem. So much division in this country, at the end of the day, we are all human.

Without a doubt, the hubby and I had a blast in Vegas. We ate some good food. By the way- The Gumbo at Emeril's in MGM Grand is on point. We partied at the Martini Blu located in town square. We consumed way to much alcohol and lost too much money. But, I will do it again tomorrow. Vegas is our party town. It's spirit will live on.


The Hard Rock Resort in Punta Cana overall rating would be a 6 for me out of 10. For starters, I will share the positives about the resor...